L o o k a l i k e s

Well, we just couldn't resist! How many times have you seen a picture of an Amiga personality and compare them with a TV celebrity ? We've scoured the Internet to find appropriate pictures for some famous Amiga names, and over the next few months you'll see a few of them. If you've got any lookalikes that you'd like to share with us, why not drop us an E-Mail at webmaster@uk.amigasoc.org for the world to share ?

If only he had a cunning plan
Jim Collas Edmund Blackadder
Jim may have left us now, but the speculation continues. Did he, like his Elizabethan counterpart, meet his sticky end at the hands of an insane Teutonic meglomaniac ?
Don't touch my ears
Warren from "There's something about Mary" Darreck Lisle
Quite whether Darreck is a music fan or not, we couldn't say, but we'd rather not go as far as examining his ears! Naturally, we're sure he listens to everything user groups have to tell him.

Lookalikes from November